To establish service at a location that does not have existing electric facilities, potential members will be asked to provide some specific information about the location and its energy needs. Before contacting us, please review this list of questions you will be asked about your planned construction project.
The next step is to meet with a field engineer at the construction site to review the options for installing the service. The following must be complete prior to scheduling the meeting:
- All buildings must be staked
- The load center of the home or structure must be identified
- Driveway must be marked
- Location of the septic/leach field and well must be staked and approved by the governing county
- If service is to a mobile home, the Ohio Certified Inspection Bureau (740.541.1292) permit should already be started
The field engineer will provide you with options and a service entrance specification sheet that shows how the service should be installed, spec drawings, and instructions on how to proceed if further steps are necessary. Please bring a copy of the deed or any available surveys to this meeting for easement purposes.
A quote will be provided including any applicable required costs. Service installation will not be scheduled or completed until all the following items are completed:
- Required easements obtained
- Applicable permits obtained
- All fees are paid
- All right-of-way and tree trimming is complete
- Any additional construction or other discussed issues are addressed
- Membership Application and New Member Data Sheet are completed and returned
Once all the above steps are complete, Washington Electric Cooperative’s line crews will build the line, set the meter, and energize the new service.
Questions about new construction? Contact us at engineering@weci.org.