Transfer Existing Service
To transfer an existing service into your name, please contact our office at 740.373.2141. Please be prepared to provide the meter number (the 9- or 10-digit number located on the front of the meter beneath the reading display). If you have never had service with Washington Electric Cooperative, you must complete a Membership Application and New Member Data Sheet. If applicable, you will also be required to pay a connection fee and security deposit. Our member services representatives will provide details.
Disconnect Service
Contact our office if you wish to disconnect your service. Please note that services that are disconnected and then reconnected by the same member within a 12-month period will be assessed the monthly service charge for each month the service was not active. Reconnected accounts are also subject to the connection fee and security deposit.
You'll also want to be sure to keep your mailing address current for capital credits.
How to Locate Your Meter Number